How are your gums faring these days? If you’re not sure offhand, you’re not alone – countless patients don’t pay much attention to their periodontal health. Because teeth are much more prominent in smiles, they get all the fanfare and all the TLC. But without healthy gums, your teeth aren’t going to last long. It’s your gums that support your smile, and help determine your overall oral health. Let this post serve as motivation to make your gums a top priority.
Woodbridge Periodontal Treatment For Gum Disease
Our first incentive for keeping watch over your gums is their susceptibility to disease. It’s not all that rare for gums to become inflamed, and that’s the first step toward gingivitis. Inflammation may arise from poor oral hygiene or neighboring dental problems. During gingivitis, plaque gathers on your gum tissues and tooth roots. As its layer thickens, the plaque begins to form pockets between your teeth and gums. Once your gums have pulled away from the teeth, the problem has become full-blown periodontal disease.
Gum disease changes your smile’s appearance and your tooth strength. When the gums weaken, your teeth become loose, and you may even lose them for good. Seeking periodontal treatment as soon as possible will prevent periodontal disease from taking a significant toll on your teeth and your life. Cherrywood Dental offers experience and expertise in gentle but thorough periodontal treatment.
Your Gums and Your Smile
Reason #2: Your gums play a crucial role in your smile. Consider a smile that shows too much gum, or too little. There’s an important balance between your teeth and your gums, and it’s one that puts the finishing touches on your smile’s aesthetics. When your gums are neglected, there’s a chance that they could grow excessively, changing your appearance. Dental problems like bruxism can also lead to gum recession, which lengthens the appearance of your teeth and can age your overall look. Care for your gums today to maintain a beautiful smile.
Why Gums Go Overlooked
The third motivator for paying attention to your gums is simply that they go so often overlooked! What better reason to keep them in mind? Because your gums are hidden behind your lips, and because they don’t play the starring role in your smile, it’s common to forget about them. Make sure your oral hygiene tends to the gum line. If you’re noticing inflamed or reddened areas of your gums, make sure that you’re flossing carefully but thoroughly. Consider adding a mouthwash to your daily routine – this helps kill bacteria in areas that your toothbrush and floss don’t reach. If you notice that your gums are swollen, tender, bloody, or reddish-purple, contact your dentist.
Periodontal Health Affects Whole Body Health
This last reason is one that many patients aren’t aware of: your gums can affect your entire body. Periodontal disease has been linked to increased chances of heart disease. If you are diabetic, gum disease can also cause complications with your blood sugar levels. Osteoporosis, respiratory disease, and some cancers can also be aggravated by chronic periodontal disease. Keep your gums healthy to help boost your systemic health.
Not sure where to start with your new attitude? Caring for your gums is as simple as caring for your teeth: brush and floss, eat a healthy diet, and visit your dentist regularly for exams. If you’d like some personalized tips related to periodontal care, get in touch with Cherrywood Dental for advice and support. We want to give you the tools you need to see a healthy gum line at your next appointment!