When you’re ready to begin Invisalign treatment, chances are you’re both excited and a little nervous. If you start off the right way, you’ll keep your treatment on track and see results as soon as possible. What exactly does “the right way” mean? This blog post will lay out a few of the top things to remember when you’re embarking on your journey toward a straighter smile.
What to Remember When Starting Invisalign
- Wear your aligners 20-22 hours per day.
It seems like it’s simple to keep aligners in when you’re not eating or brushing, but 20-22 hours/day is actually a commitment. Many patients forget to put their aligners back in immediately after eating, spending too long out of the trays. This will cause treatment to take longer, and may keep your teeth from moving the way they’re supposed to. If necessary, time yourself when the aligners are out to make sure you don’t go too long.
- Keep your teeth extra clean.
Trays can trap food particles and bacteria against teeth, preventing saliva from washing them away. Be sure to brush after eating and before replacing your trays. Keep a travel-sized brush in your purse or briefcase. If a bathroom isn’t available, try to rinse with water.
- Maintain your appointments.
Missing appointments could throw off your progress. If you are unable to make an appointment, it could take time to reschedule and tamper with your results.
- Don’t forget to switch to the next aligners.
You will need to switch to some new aligners on your own; don’t forget when it’s time to switch! Mark the dates on your calendar when you receive the aligners to keep you on track.
Looking for Invisalign in Woodbridge
Woodbridge Invisalign treatment is available from the providers at Cherrywood Dental. We love working with our patients to bring about their straight, new smiles. Just get in touch to get started.