The Quickest & Easiest Way to Help Your Kids Avoid Cavities

Cherrywood Dental • July 19, 2017
Your kids depend on you for help learning healthy habits – and their brushing, flossing and diet are no different.

Childhood is a unique period of time when they learn habits that can stay with them for life. If they grow accustomed to a wide range of vegetables and a balanced diet, they’ll be more likely to appreciate healthy foods as they age. So staying cavity-free during childhood actually helps lead to healthy teeth during adulthood.

Now is your chance to help your son or daughter become a healthy, happy and well-adjusted individual. If you’re unsure of where to start, we’ve put together a handy reference below. Check out some of the most important stages of tooth development, plus ways to encourage tooth-healthy habits once your kids are more independent.

Feeling uncertain as to what’s best for your children’s dental health? Just get in touch to learn more and schedule an exam.

What to Expect as Your Kids’ Teeth Develop

Top Causes of Tooth Decay for Kids

Kids do share many of the same causes of cavities as adults – but they depend on you to recognize problems and correct them before decay spreads. Make sure to do the following to keep your children from developing more significant cavities or other dental problems:
  • Visit the dentist regularly (every six months) – Your child should see a dentist by their first birthday. This allows the dentist to be sure that everything is developing properly and that the first erupting teeth are healthy. Then, kids should visit every six months.
  • Avoid sugary or acidic drinks throughout the day – It’s okay for your kids to have unhealthy drinks from time to time, but you should do everything possible to avoid allowing them to sip on soda, juice or sports drinks throughout the day. Each sip leads to a prolonged acid attack on enamel, and this is a common cause of kids’ tooth decay.
  • Make sure their toothpaste contains fluoride – Fluoride is crucial during tooth development, as it helps build strong enamel. Fluoridated products may have become controversial, but major organizations like the ADA remain firm that it is healthy for children’s teeth in appropriate amounts. Get in touch if you’re looking for guidance on this.
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