Summer Fun without Dental Emergencies

Cherrywood Dental • July 10, 2015

If your kids protect their teeth while playing sports, they’re more likely to keep their smiles intact!

Nothing puts a damper on your summer celebrations like a dental emergency. You have to drop everything you’re doing, completely change your plans, and head immediately to the dentist’s office (or, depending on the damage, even the emergency room). We want to help you avoid that! Check out our dental tips for summertime tooth protection.

If you ever have a dental emergency, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our office, at our Greenbelt location [(301) 982-3300] or Woodbridge location [(703) 565-5078].

Prevent Dental Emergencies This Summer

  • Wear adequate tooth protection – If you or your children play high-contact sports, it’s a smart plan to invest in a mouth guard. This will protect teeth during athletic activities.
  • Be mindful of your mouth – Remember that your teeth aren’t invulnerable – while enamel is the strongest material in the human body, it can still sustain damage. Be aware of situations where your teeth might be harmed.
  • Eat healthy – While summertime offers plenty of opportunities for eating candy and sweets, remember to get in some healthy foods, too! This will help you prevent plaque formation and cavities.
  • Keep up with your dental exams – The summer schedule is a hectic one, but that doesn’t mean you should skip your dental exams. If it’s time for you to come to the office, keep your appointments on track. This will help us stop dental problems before they become serious, and also ensure that your dental work is in good shape.
  • Don’t use teeth to open bottles – Your teeth are for eating, not for opening bottles, packages, or other hard objects. This is the simplest way to prevent chipped teeth or cracks in your enamel (not to mention a lot of discomfort).
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