Is it Safe for Kids to Use Whitening Products?

Cherrywood Dental • August 18, 2018
Noticing your child’s smile becoming a less-than-appealing shade of yellow? Yellowing teeth may have you questioning if it’s safe for kids to use a whitening toothpaste or even other readily available at-home whitening products. Permanent teeth are not as naturally white as primary (baby) teeth, which can cause a color-contrasting smile, and bring issues like stains and discoloration to light. This leads to many parents questioning if teeth whitening is safe for children and we have your answer!

Why Your Child Has Yellow Teeth

When it comes to teeth stains, the reason why is typically the same as an adult with stained teeth. Here are a few reasons why your little one’s teeth are yellowing:

Poor Dental Hygiene

Getting your child excited about brushing their teeth and the importance of their oral hygiene is a tall order to fill as a parent. Many children do not receive the adequate brushing they should, which causes the teeth to become yellow or leads to tooth decay and cavities.

Make tooth brushing time more enjoyable by:

Using a Special Toothbrush

Letting your child pick out their own toothbrush with a character or characteristic that appeals to them is a great way to get them excited about brushing. If brushing their teeth for the full two minutes is your issue, try a musical toothbrush with a timer. Many of these are also electrical, which helps give kids a better clean.

Brushing Together

A family that brushes together has excellent oral hygiene together. Brush as a family so your kids can see that everyone needs to take special care of their teeth. If your child is under the age of 6, it’s recommended that a parent assist them with brushing their teeth to ensure a thorough clean.

Dental Fluorosis

Typically occurring in children 8 years old and under, this condition is caused when too much fluoride is consumed as permanent teeth are forming under the gums. Letting your child use a fluoride toothpaste too early, when they do not understand the importance of not swallowing toothpaste, can lead to ingesting too much fluoride and ultimately dental fluorosis.

Permanent Teeth Look More Yellow Than Baby Teeth

The side-by-side comparison of a baby tooth next to a permanent tooth can be shocking to some parents as their child begins to get their permanent teeth. Permanent teeth have a layer underneath the enamel called dentin, which is naturally gray or yellow in color, and is thicker than in baby teeth. If you’re concerned about your child’s permanent teeth being significantly more yellow than their baby teeth, just bring them in for an exam to be safe.

Are Whitening Products Safe For Children?

The first rule in whitening products for children is that if your child still has baby teeth, whiting is not recommended. Children under the age of 16 should avoid any over-the-counter whitening products because a lot of them contain high levels of hydrogen peroxide that may be too strong and harm their tooth enamel. Damage to tooth enamel can cause irreversible yellow teeth because your enamel can never be repaired or replaced.

The side effects of teeth whitening products in children are:
  • Increased sensitivity
  • Dentin Demineralization
  • Variations in tooth color
  • Damaged gum tissue
  • Injured tooth pulp or nerves
  • Interference with composite or plastic fillings
  • Enamel Pitting

Teeth Whitening Alternatives For Kids

Preserving the whiteness of enamel can be done with a few additional steps to care for your child’s teeth on a daily basis including:
  • Avoiding certain beverages that are high in sugar and dark in color
  • Establishing healthy eating habits by consuming hard fruits and vegetables
  • Limiting sugary and acidic foods
  • Maintaining a brushing and flossing routine
  • Scheduling regular dental exams and cleanings
Encourage your kids to brush and floss twice a day and brush within 30 minutes after consuming sugary or acidic foods and drinks. Consistently making an effort to remove stains that cause discoloration on the teeth is the most effective natural whitening solution. For more whitening tips, ask Cherrywood Dental Associates at your next exam.
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