Hidden Benefits of Straight Teeth

Cherrywood Dental • December 27, 2016
Trying to take the Invisalign plunge, but finding it hard to take the first step? We know that deciding to straighten your teeth as an adult is a big commitment. And if you’re viewing the outcome as simply a prettier smile, that may not be motivation enough to make the decision. Of course, a gorgeous grin is incredibly important (for reasons that go way beyond aesthetics), but a straighter smile is so much more than something superficial.

Below, we’ve compiled some of the top benefits Invisalign patients experience post-treatment. While some of these benefits are universal, you can’t know what’s ahead for your own teeth (and life) unless you speak with a professional. Schedule a free Invisalign consultation today to discover your own smile’s full potential.

Secret Benefits of Straighter Teeth

Improved Oral Health

Effective oral hygiene is hard enough without your teeth being cramped and crooked. But when your smile isn’t evenly spaced, brushing and flossing get a whole lot trickier. You need adequate space to comfortably clean your teeth. Tightly packed molars can be frustrating enough that patients give up on flossing altogether.

At the same time, crooked teeth act as safe harbors for bacteria and plaque. Tight spaces that are tough to reach are the first ones where cavities tend to form. Plaque may build up, leading to gingivitis and aggravated gums. And if your oral hygiene isn’t adequately removing that plaque, things will only get worse.

Straighter teeth will present a more positive cleaning experience. It’s easier to brush and floss, and your teeth are less likely to develop plaque. Choosing Invisalign could help you save time, money, and discomfort in the future related to cavities or gingivitis.

Boost in Confidence

Your confidence level dictates the way you approach the world. It’s crucial that you feel good about yourself, for your own happiness and success. Plus, confidence attracts confidence, so you’re more likely to surround yourself with capable people.

There’s a direct link between the appearance of a smile and the individual’s self esteem. While appearances aren’t everything, they do dictate part of our self image. And when we meet others for the first time, our appearances are the first thing they notice. This is your chance to sink or swim – and all you have to do is put your best face forward. Multiple studies have shown that teeth are one of the first things we notice when evaluating a new acquaintance. When your smile is straight, you can feel proud to show your smile off.

If you could give yourself heightened confidence, wouldn’t you take that chance? Don’t spend years feeling self-conscious and holding back when Invisalign could help you take center stage.

Longer-Lasting Teeth

We want our smiles to be lifelong. But that’s just not always possible. While the factors involved in tooth longevity are incredibly varied, one significant element is whether your teeth fit together properly. When your teeth are crooked and your jaws don’t fit together well, your jaw muscles work to find steady footing. This means that your teeth end up grinding together, and your enamel erodes. Long-term bruxism has extensive ramifications, one being the need for restorative dental work down the road.

If you want your teeth to really last, making sure that your bite is on point. You’ll feel more comfortable and your smile will thank you. Invisalign can be appropriate for patients with a wide variety of malocclusions – set up a consultation with a provider to learn more.

Prevention of Jaw Disorders

Your jaw joints are more delicate than you might think. Usually referred to as the TMJ, the temporomandibular joints on either side of your jaws allow for the full range of jaw motion that you use on a daily basis. When your bite is off, your jaw can suffer. Repetitive, harmful jaw movements can lead to jaw disorders, which may take extensive therapy and a splint to improve. Avoid those jaw disorders today by straightening your teeth.

Which straight teeth benefit speaks the most to you? Ask your Invisalign provider whether you can expect to see it in your future.
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