Been working extra hard with the hope of snagging a promotion? There are a few performance-enhancers that you may not have tried. The one we’re qualified to discuss is – naturally – your smile. But while we’re always proclaiming the power of healthy teeth, there’s actually research to back it up. When patients maintain strong, beautiful teeth, they’re more likely to perform excellent work and make positive impressions on their teammates and employers.
Looking for a smile that’s going to get you into the front office? Lumineers could be the first step. Read on for some tips on smile power, choosing cosmetic dentistry, and whether our no-prep veneers are the right treatment for your teeth.
Beautiful Teeth and First Impressions
Of course, appearances aren’t everything. But, like it or not, they dictate a great deal of the judgement we perform upon meeting someone. First impressions formed in social and professional environments are heavily based on the individual’s friendliness, look, and general confidence. Having beautiful, healthy teeth will impact each of these factors.
Your smile communicates quite a bit more about you than you may realize.
- Personal health
– The mouth manifests signs of countless diseases, not all of them orally-based. When your teeth look yellow, worn, or generally unkempt, they convey a message of unhealthiness. Excellent personal care and well-being are crucial aspects of a person’s appeal.
- Personal ability
– As we just mentioned, a beautiful smile shows that you can take care of yourself – and that you choose to make your appearance a priority. This doesn’t mean you’re vain, it means that you’ve got your life together. And your boss will appreciate it.
- Friendliness
– A big smile shows interest in those around you, and a willingness to engage. This makes others more comfortable around you, and helps them see you as a potential teammate.
How A Great Smile Affects Your Confidence Level
When you’re in possession of your ideal smile, you simply feel better about yourself. This leads you to smile and laugh more freely. Your true self is on better display, and the world notices and responds. You’ll find yourself more comfortable at the center of attention, and taking charge in professional situations. This will lead to you being more of a natural leader, and making yourself worthy of the job position you’re seeking.
Greenbelt Lumineers Transform Smiles
It’s easy for us to say how important it is that you possess a great smile. The harder part is getting your teeth to that happy place. Cosmetic dentistry doesn’t always have to be a headache – we offer a treatment option that leaves even anxious patients comfortable with the prospect of altering their teeth.
Lumineers are no-prep porcelain veneers. Their ceramic material allows them to be incredibly thin without compromising their strength. When receiving a no-prep veneer, you’re able to forgo a great deal of unpleasantness. Your teeth won’t need to be reduced in order for the veneers to fit. You will not need to receive shots of anesthesia. You won’t have to wear temporaries between veneer appointments. And you won’t lose any of your natural tooth structure, preserving your own teeth even as you transform them.
Lumineers can make changes ranging from subtle to significant. You’ll be able to straighten, whiten, and repair your teeth. Curious as to whether you may be a candidate for treatment? Get in touch with Cherrywood Dental to learn more about what they could offer. We’ll evaluate your teeth and your aesthetic goals, and find the perfect solution.