Are you ready for your dental implant? If you’re a little anxious and unsure about the procedure, there are steps you can take to prepare. Implant surgery doesn’t need to be an unknown. By talking to your dentist, doing some research, and learning the steps involved, you’ll increase your comfort with the implant procedure and feel much more ready for the big day.
Steps of the Dental Implant Process
Every case is different, and it’s possible that you won’t need to undergo each of these steps. We’d also like to alert you to the fact that while this list details the standard protocol for placing dental implants, Cherrywood Dental offers patients with dentures a shortcut. You are able to receive implants, abutments, and crowns in a single day with our implant placement.
- Bone graft – Patients without sufficient bone mass will need a bone graft before implant placement, so that the jaw will support the implant. Patients receiving bone grafts will need additional time to heal before the implants are placed.
- Implant placement – During implant placement, an incision is made in your gums and the implant is screwed in so that it reaches into your jaw bone. The implant must be surrounded by bone for it to successfully osseointegrate and become a part of your mouth.
- Healing period – The implant and the site much heal before further work is done. This allows the implant to successfully connect with your bone and form a stable foundation for a restoration.
- Abutment placement – The abutment connects the implant to the restoration. Your dentist must make an incision in your gums to uncover the implant and place the abutment. There will then be another healing period before the final step.
- Restoration placement – After everything has healed, your crown, bridge, or dentures will be placed atop the implants. Your new smile will be complete!
Dental Implants in Woodbridge
If you’re seeking dental implants, please get in touch with our office. Dr. Barzgar and Dr. Pakpour are highly trained in implant dentistry and ready to restore your teeth.