Do you tend to panic when there’s a dental appointment on your schedule? We can help!
If you’re anxious in the dentist’s office, you’re far from alone – a staggering number of adults find their pulses racing when it’s time for dental treatment (or just an exam). The sooner you identifying the underlying cause of your anxiety, the sooner you can find a way to overcome it – and Cherrywood Dental Associates is here to help. We offer treatment options that are specifically geared toward anxious patients, and we’ll work with you to help form positive experiences that change your mind about dental care.
Common Causes of Dental Anxiety
Think about the last time you saw an affectionate portrayal of a dentist on a TV show, in a movie, or in a book. Our culture is a little obsessed with painting dentists as sadists – but it couldn’t be further from the truth! A dental procedure is always better when the patient is happy and comfortable. This makes the entire process simpler for both patient and dentist, and ensures efficient, effective care.
Many patients feed off this concept of the dentist as a bad guy. And if they had a negative, uncomfortable dental appointment at some point in the past (usually during childhood), it’s hard for them to imagine enjoying their time in the dental chair. That’s where we’re going to step in and change things.
Moving Past Your Fear of the Dentist’s Office
Cherrywood Dental offers laser treatment, sedation dentistry, and other patient-friendly options that feel good while still getting the job done. We will discuss your treatment with you prior to getting started, so that you know exactly what to expect. If you’ve experienced anxiety before, just let us know – that way, we can talk sedation before your procedure.