3 Steps To Get Rid Of Bad Breath For Sure

Cherrywood Dental • March 6, 2019
Are you constantly worried about how your breath smells to others? If so, you’re certainly not alone. In fact, there may be some very specific reasons for your bad breath that only a professional can determine. Whether you’ve been battling bad breath for years or just recently noticed a concerning change, scheduling an appointment with your dentist is the best way to get solutions. In the meantime, there are a few things you can do right now to help eliminate bad breath at home.

Hydration Is Key

One of the easiest ways to fight bad breath is to make sure you’re drinking plenty of water. When your mouth gets too dry, the lack of saliva can cause the growth of odor-causing bacteria. Especially when you first wake up after sleeping, drinking water is a great way to kick start those salivary glands and help increase moisture in your mouth.

Good Oral Hygiene Makes a Difference

Practicing proper oral hygiene is another great way to help maintain fresh breath. Although brushing and flossing twice a day is recommended and helps to prevent cavities, it takes more than that to keep bad breath at bay. Since the majority of the bacteria that causes bad breath lives on your tongue, you need to clean your tongue with a tongue and cheek cleaner or with your toothbrush. Using an alcohol-free mouth rinse after brushing is also helpful and helps reduce the risk of bad breath.

Maintaining a Healthy Diet Helps Too

You likely already know that consuming foods with a strong taste or smell can contribute to bad breath. Acidic foods like vinegar or sugar create odor-causing bacteria in the mouth, which causes halitosis. For fresher breath, try sticking to proteins and grains. These foods can help increase saliva production and may help reduce your bad breath.

Whether you experience temporary bouts of bad breath from time-to-time or you’re suffering from constant bad breath no matter what you do, we’re here to help. At Cherrywood Dental Associates, we want to help you maintain healthy oral habits that promote good breath. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact us today!
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